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If you neglect spring lawn clean-up and preparation, you may end up paying for it the rest of the year. The good news:  The amount of work required for spring lawn clean-up & preparation is nowhere near the additional work that could be required throughout the summer months, if this first important step is not taken.


  • Raking/Dethatching: This is the first task of spring lawn care.  This includes removing all lawn debris including leaves left over from the fall.Dethatching eliminates the dead grass, roots and debris that accumulate between the soil surface and the grass above.

  • Fertilization: A well-balanced fertilizer program give you a lush, beautiful, rich lawn green lawn year after year. Swiams offers a program that nourishes and controls pesky weeds.

  • Clean-up and preparation of flower beds & hedge/planter areas.

  • Mulch is used to retain moisture in the soil, suppress weeds, keep soil cool and make the flower beds & hedge/planter areas look more attractive.

  • Application of pre-emergent herbicides: Application of pre-emergent herbicides and the correct fertilizer is recommended in the spring as well. A pre-emergent forms a “shield” that inhibits seed germination of Crabgrass which begins its assault on lawns in the spring.   ·     



Lawn Care and Spring Preparation


TREE SERVICE: Spring is the perfect time for properly pruning trees. It is also a great time to have your trees evaluated by Swiams experts to ensure that they are healthy after the winter season.  We can trim (or remove) your trees in a safe, timely and cost effective manner.

Call Us Now: 414-552-3229​​
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